Columbus, NE

PO Columbus NE 2

The post office in Columbus, Nebraska, so new they hadn’t put the light globes on the lamp posts yet. Note the raised crosswalk in the street, so pedestrians could cross without wading through the mud. And here is the post office all dressed up:

PO Columbus NE

Quonochontaug, RI

PO Quonochontaug RI

I know; it’s not a post office, but it was too interesting to pass up. Quonochontaug is made up of three beach communities in Charlestown, Rhode Island: West Beach, Central Beach, and East Beach. Quonochontaug was a busy resort of small hotels and boarding houses until the Great Hurricane of September 1938. The storm surge was more than 15 feet along the Rhode Island shore, and took hundreds of cottages out to sea. Everything man-made on Napatree Point, a small cape that was home to more than 30 families, was swept away; today the remaining land is a wildlife refuge. Approximately 600 people died in the storm in Rhode Island.